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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions feel free to contact us by the email address or phone number listed in our Contact US page.

How do I register my car in the show?


There is a printable form on this website, simply fill it out and mail it in with your payment made out to the Jewett United Methodist Church or JUMC. Registration is $25.00 per vehicle for early registration. ​Please mail all forms and payments to the Post Office address listed on our contacts page. You may also register on the morning of the show; registration will begin at 9:30 am.

When should I bring my car?


Registration begins at 9:30 am. If you have already pre-registered then you simply check in and receive your unique number for the show. Here you wil also receive your free t-shirt, gift bag and Dash Plaque if you were one of the first 50 entries. 

Where can I eat?

The JUMC UMW will be serving food and refreshments throughout the day. The food will be available to participants and the public. 


Where will the Jalopy Jamboree take place?


The Jamboree takes place at the Jewett United Methodist Church in Jewett, TX. The car show will be held outside in the area in front of the fellowship hall. The food and drinks will be sold inside the fellowship hall. All announcements will be announced outside. 

If I'm traveling where can I stay?​


There are multiple hotels in Jewett which are truck and trailer friendly. Their numbers and addresses have been listed on our HOTELS page of our website. 

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